Dress Code
All students are expected to wear to school each day the approved school uniform which meets the Dress Code Standards Bottom wear (slacks, shorts, skirts, shorts)
- Must be Khaki in color
- Must be uniform-style (cotton/cotton blend) or corduroy
- No jeans, sweatpants, or nylon pants 4. Must fit properly and be size appropriate: No Oversized Pants or Shorts
Top wear (shirts)
- Must be hunter green or white with a collar
- Must have long or short sleeves
- Cannot be oversized
- Must be Tucked In
- Must be plain or have Burroughs logo only
Outerwear (jackets, coats, sweaters, sweatshirts)
- Must be White or dark colored only (Black, Navy Blue, Hunter Green, Gray, Dark Brown, Khaki).
- Must be plain or have Burroughs logo only
- Cannot be oversized.
- Must have closed toes.
- No Slippers, Crocs, Sandals, open toes, or backless
General Dress Code
In order to provide a positive learning environment at Burroughs Middle School, all students are expected to dress for success. Our standard is that students are to dress as if they are going to work: the students job is to learn. In addition, we want to provide for students safety.
The following standards are designed to promote learning and safety.
The following standards are designed to promote learning and safety.
- Pants must be worn at the waist and must remain at the waist when the belt is removed.
- Pants must be hemmed one inch above the ground and cannot be split at the seams or cut anywhere on the garment.
- Both pant legs must be down and cannot be extra wide or extra long.
- Pants cannot be oversized.
- No jeans, sweatpants, or nylon pants. Must fit properly and be size appropriate: No Oversized Pants or Shorts
Shorts, Skorts, and Skirts
- Shorts, shirts and skirts may not be shorter than mid-thigh and must be a reasonable length.
- Shorts must be worn at the waist and must remain at the waist when the belt is removed and may not reach below the bottom of the knee. (Shorts cannot be oversized.)
- Belts are not acceptable if they hang more than three inches from the appropriate loop.
- Belt buckles cannot contain any insignias or initials.
- Shirts cannot contain any advertisements, caricatures, cartoons, images, and team or school logos (other than the Burroughs logo or other logo sanctioned by the school).
- Shirts cannot be oversized.
- Tank tops, sports jerseys, see-through tops, halter tops, or tops which expose the bare midriff or are low-cut are not permitted.
- All Shirts must be Tucked In
Hats, Caps, and Hair
- Baseball style caps, Hats, or Beanies are NOT to be worn by either boys or girls.
- No gang-associated hair styles, extreme in hair style color or make-up.
- No gang-associated clothing (over sized clothing, baggy pants)
- No hair rollers, scarves, hairnets, or bandanas.
Jewelry/Accessories/Personal Belongings
The following are not allowed:
- Jewelry/accessories that constitute a safety hazard (i.e., heavy chains, studded apparel, large hoop earrings, etc.).
- Any apparel, jewelry, accessory or inscription on personal belongings which could be construed as depicting or promoting violence, the illegal, the immoral, or the obscene, specifically those which depict or promote alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or obscenities.
- ANY accessory, backpack, or clothing with illicit drug association or advertising for a dispensary.
- Any apparel, jewelry, accessory, manner of grooming, or inscription on personal belongings which, by virtue of color, arrangement, trademark, universal meaning or any other attribute, expresses or advocates racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice, or might tend to motivate students to commit acts that disrupt the orderly operation of the school.
- Monikers, graffiti, patches or inscriptions on clothing, body parts, accessories, including backpacks.
- Sunglasses or heavily tinted glasses.
- For health and safety of students, body piercing is not allowed (with exception of ears).
Please Note
- All clothing must be clean and in good repair.
- A student coming to school with inappropriate dress will be required to change into school loan clothing or the parent will be called to take the student home to change.
- Repeated Violations of Dress Standards will result in conference with Counselors and/or Parent Contact.
- The Administration reserve the Right, If necessary, to add other items to this list or prohibited items, especially any and all items which become associated with gang membership and/or affect the safety and/or security of others. parents may choose to opt out of the uniform policy but must follow the appropriate dress standard once approved by the school administration
Parents will be contacted if there is a violation of Dress Code.