Disciplinary Consequences
Students must observe school rules in order to maintain an environment conducive to learning. Consequences of disciplinary infractions will depend upon the severity of the offenses. John Burroughs maintains a program of “progressive discipline.”
It is imperative that everyone respects the rights and property of others. Threatening, bullying and harassing other students, stealing or extorting money or other property from fellow students is not tolerated. Extreme disciplinary action will be taken against students who engage in these acts.
Neither fighting nor rough horseplay is acceptable behavior at John Burroughs. Fighting between students will result in suspension from school. “Play fighting” is also not tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.
Students are expected to use language that is appropriate for school and that are not abusive of anyone. Profane/crude remarks or remarks that are offensive/insulting will result in referral to the office and may result in suspension from school.
Willful failure by a student to follow instructions given by a teacher or other adult in authority is DEFIANCE and may result in suspension.
Possession of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco will result in immediate and strict disciplinary action, including possible arrest and/or expulsion.
Possession of dangerous items such as matches, firecrackers, and weapons (including knives and guns) will result in immediate and strict disciplinary action, including possible arrest and/or expulsion.
Radios, tape recorders, laser devices, electronic games or dictionaries and other toys are considered “nuisance items” and are not to be brought to school. Beepers, pagers, and cell phones not allowed to be used during the school day. These items will be taken away if discovered. Parents will be asked to come and retrieve these items. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Students must act appropriately in the halls. They should refrain from eating, drinking, running, shoving, pushing, or engaging in loud and boisterous behavior. They should not block the flow of traffic, but should proceed quickly and orderly to their classes.
Students are expected to abide by the rules established for each class. They must follow directions given by the teacher and show respect for the persons authority. Students must respect other students. Failure to abide by classroom rules will result in disciplinary action.
Students are expected to refrain from defacing or in any way damaging personal or school property. Markers, “white out”, paint, and spray cans of any sort are not to be brought to school. Extreme disciplinary action will be taken against students who deface property or engage in acts of vandalism.