Visit the middle school counselor and schedule college preparatory classes, such as Algebra I and Geometry. English, and Foreign Language classes. See if your school takes part in the Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project to measure student readiness for mathematics courses.
Start to use CSU Mentor (on the Web at, CSU's electronic planning and admission website to consider college opportunities. Take a virtual campus tour with your student and use CSU Mentor’s e-mail to ask questions.
Attend college information day programs at your school to find out about CSU admission requirements. Discuss these with your family.
Tell children in your family how important a college education is. Go on a field trip to a CSU campus. Save for college.
Help students with their homework, but encourage them to develop independent and critical thinking skills.
7th Grade
Take English and Algebra
Make an appointment in the fall with the school counselor and schedule classes to help prepare the CSU.
Meet regularly with your counselor.
Attend any college information days at the school.
Continue to use CSU Mentor to explore CSU campuses and ask questions.
Take a virtual campus tour to explore the campus websites to learn more.
Build the educational partnership with your student. Show the possibilities of a college education.
8th Grade
Sign up to take the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test) in September of the 8th or 9th grade to help you prepare for the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) in high school.
Keep earning “As” and “Bs”.
Take Algebra I.
Meet with the school counselor to see how the student in your family is doing in the needed academic classes.
Continue to talk about college opportunities with your student.
Attend a College Day” or “College Night” at your student’s school.