Report Bullying
LAUSD's Bullying and Hazing Policy
The Los Angeles Unified School District is committed to providing a safe and civil learning and working environment. The District takes a strong position against bullying, hazing or any behavior that infringes on the safety and well-being of students, employees, or interferes with learning or teaching. The District prohibits retaliatory behavior against anyone who files a complaint or who participates in the complaint investigation process. The policy applies to all other persons within the District's jurisdiction.
The LAUSD bullying and hazing policy is written in accordance with Federal, State and California Education Code requires that all schools and all personnel promote mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance among students and staff. “All students and staff of public primary, elementary, junior and senior high have the inalienable right to attend campuses which are safe, secure and peaceful” [Article 1, Section 28(c) of the California State Constitution].
This policy shall encompass behaviors and actions that occur among students, District employees and associated adults. The policy is applicable in schools, at school and District-related programs, activities and events, traveling to and from school, and all other areas of the District's jurisdiction (Ed Code 489009(s)).
Bullying is defined as the deliberate antagonistic action or creation of a situation with the intent of inflicting emotional, physical, or psychological distress. The behavior may be a single or repeated act and may be electronic, indirect, non-verbal, psychological, sexual, social, physical or verbal.
Cyber bullying is conducted via electronic communication technology (e.g., texts, e-mails, blogs, postings) and meets the impact of bullying (see above). A person who engages in cyber bullying at school or school-related activities and events is subject to disciplinary action even if the bullying occurred on a personal electronic devise. Cyber bullying that occurs off-campus but compromises the safety or instructional environment of the school may fall under District jurisdiction.
Hazing is any method of initiation, pre-initiation, or rite of passage associated with actual or desired membership in a student organization or student body, whether or not it is officially recognized by the educational institution.
Parents and students are encouraged to work with their local school site administration to address any problems or concerns. For more information or assistance with parent/guardian or student concerns, contact Human Relations, Diversity & Equity, (213) 241-5337. For allegations of discrimination/harassment, contact Education Equity, (123) 241-7682.
John Burroughs' Bullying and Hazing Policy
At John Burroughs Middle School, students' safety and well-being are a top priority. And, we believe that every student should be treated with dignity and respect. Together we can make JB a school free from intimidation and fear so that all students can learn and work in an environment where they can achieve their full potential.
What Is Bullying?"
A deliberate action by an individual or group usually repeated over time that intentionally hurts another individual either physically or emotionally."
Bullying can take many forms but the most common are:
Physical - hitting, kicking, taking belongings.
Verbal - name calling, insulting, making offensive remarks.
Homophobic - name-calling, insulting, making offensive remarks.
Indirect - spreading malicious stories, rumors and deliberately excluding others from social groups.
Racist - taunts or offensive language about culture or race.
Sexual - unwanted physical contact or abusive comments.
Cyber - using social networking sites or mobile phones to cause offense to others.
Isolating - deliberately ignoring or encouraging others to ignore students.
Students with special educational needs or disabilities - name calling, insulting, making offensive remarks.
Talk to someone if you are being bullied because there are lots of people who want to help you in school.
Talk to:
A member of staff
A friend
A family member
Please report any matters of bullying directly to an administrative team member.
Dr. S. Martinez - Principal
Mrs. D. Lee - Assistant Principal
Mrs. S. Armendariz - Assistant Principal
Mr. T. Prendez - Assistant Principal
John Burroughs Middle School
600 S. McCadden Place
Los Angeles, CA 90005