Enrollment Information
Please Call 323-549-5000 or Email Office Staff Below
Summer Enrollment Hours will begin at 8:00 AM - 12:30 & 1:30 - 3:30 PM
Thank you for expressing an interest in John Burroughs Middle School.
Enrollment to John Burroughs Middle School is based on the residential information provided to the school. To determine your child's school of residence, use the LAUSD Resident School Identifier: http://rsi.lausd.net/ResidentSchoolIdentifier/
In addition, listed are other options that may provide a permit which would allow your child to attend Burroughs Middle School even though your home address does not fall within the attendance area parameters of the school. Apply online for the following programs at http://echoices.lausd.net
- School for Advanced Studies - (SAS)
- Gifted Magnet
- Korean Dual Language Education Program
- Spanish Dual Language Education Program
We will be asking you to complete the following enrollment forms available at the school site for pick up and drop off.
- Student Enrollment Form
- Student Emergency Information Form
- Student Housing Questionnaire
- Title VII Student Eligibility
- Migrant Education Program Questionnaire
- Title III Immigrant Education Program Questionnaire
- Student Health Information Card
If possible, please Photocopy the following items and turn in with your Enrollment Packet
- Proof of Identification for Guardian (DMV I.D/Driver’s License/ or Passport)
- Proof of Residence - Utility Bill or Rental or Lease Agreement
- Proof of Age: Birth Certificate, Passport or Baptismal Certificate
- IEP Documentation if applicable
- Court Orders if applicable
For more information you may contact any of the the following Office Support Technicians
Gifted Magnet Program |
Special Education Program |
Mrs. Orozco at: [email protected] - Spanish/English (323) 549-5009 |
School for Advanced Studies (SAS) |
Korean Dual Language Education Program (KDLE) |
Spanish Dual Language Education Program (SDLE) |
Community Residential School |
Ms. Herrera at: [email protected] - Spanish/English (323) 549-5005 |
School for Advanced Studies (SAS) |
Korean Dual Language Education Program (KDLE) |
Spanish Dual Language Program (SDLP) |
Community Residential School |
Mr. Tang at: [email protected] - English (323) 549 - 5007 |
School for Advanced Studies (SAS) |
Korean Dual Language Education Program (KDLE) |
Spanish Dual Language Education Program (SDLE) |
Community Residential School |
Mr. Tomas at: [email protected] - Spanish/English (323) 549-5003 |
We hope that these resources can help you answer your enrollment questions. If you still need additional information, please call the school at 323-549-5000, 323-549-5005, or 323-549-5007.